Shoutbox - 2014 Jan 20

The topic title shows 2013? cough
Or I’m just being a doughball :blush:

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Fixed it :stuck_out_tongue:

@teejo can we have a category for LOTRO? Or is this something I can do on mah own?

@Uchijini… Your rage quit last night was absolute comedy :smile:

hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah I miss muster with the Geeks :frowning:

Sorry my bad. Still not used to it being 2014.

How do you create a new topic in a subsection? I don’t see a button.

Should be a +Create Topic button on the top right:

You can change the category while you’re creating the topic, so you don’t need to be in a specific place.

Cool. I see it now - thanks

Who is this KS clan?!?!
You traiterous letch

I am over IRC…it makes me want to eat my face off in frustration. Make something else TG.

Yeah Im over it too, it just feels terribad

Use a client, the web based one is VERY basic.

I think its more irc that I dont like than anything else. I will make a skype group then @WondaWoman and I can talk to each other :smiley:

Add me Live:saaymanw

I already sent you a skype msg today and you ignored me. I’m seeing flying pigs now.

So TeeGee , how do we know who is in the clan , do we get a colour like on the old forum ?
or is Blue the memebers and you that are highlighted an admin ?

No that is not possible at this time. You should know who your fellow clan members are! Pfft!

I do :smile: but I’m thinking more about the other people who don’t know … pfft !

This… is interstink… Out with the old and in with the new!