Shoutbox - 2014 Jan 20

BWAHAHAHAH :slight_smile: well played Sirā€¦well played

You guys must go get your own skreeuboxie if you want to go all forrinā€™ on me

I love it when you speak forrinā€™

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TeeGee, where is the music section?!?!?!

Only f2p up to level 20. Iā€™m playing it as a ā€˜gap fillerā€™ until Elder Scrolls Online (4/4/2014). Itā€™s changed, drastically! I stopped at cataclysm (about two months after it was released). Iā€™m loving it again. The community has changed. Iā€™m alliance - Doomhammer realm. I use Raid Finder & donā€™t Guild Raid.


I have decided no more paying subs for games , I donā€™t have enough time to play games anymore so subs are just a big waste of money. I was waiting for Tom Clancy's The Division - IGN but I see the release date is only in 2015 so star Citizen is my next time wasting game :slight_smile: even if itā€™s only in Alpha

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Thatā€™s probably not going to be playable until 2015 either.

Huhā€¦ ?

Ignore TeegEeeā€¦he gets emotional.

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You use ` instead of '.

Like: Can`t
It should be: Canā€™t

My laptop (Dell latitude) has been doing strange things when using any quotation or backtick or grave accent etc.
I have to tap the keys twice before anything comes up and then it duplicates after the second tap so i have to correct it afterwardsā€¦

Never ever piss an admin off! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello everyone


ooooooh Jono is moving to PE this weekend :smile:

Why would you want to move to the ass-end of nowhere?

Well im in East London at the moment. Which is dead center of nowhere

in need of a trailer for the bike though. hmmmmmmm