Thanks. Busy downloading.
Crusader: No Remorse:
I loved it way back when, so have to see if it is still fun.
had fun with that game back in the day.
GOG Fall Sale is on.
Steam sale now on
Anybody have recommendations?
Vanishing of Ethan Carter is pretty cool.
I really enjoyed Kingdoms of Amalur that you have suggested previously, so I have bought this one as well. Thanks for the info.
this war of mine?
thinking of getting that tonight
I heard they made back their dev cost in 2 days or something.
The game is only slightly over 4 hours long, but it is very beautiful and tragic.
yeah i’m enjoying a few minutes of this every now and then
Simcity 2000 is on the house:
how do you play it in 4hrs!?
these moaners are always hungry and depressed.
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is not terribly long. They put a lot of effort in to the graphics and environment though. Even with me wandering around and looking at stuff, I only made 4 hours.
sorry thought you were talking about finishing “this war of mine” in 4hrs
The Steam holiday sale is on now.
Okay, they copying steam. Limited time offer (3hours)
BF4 premium is R249
Medieval Engineers is $14.99 if you own Space Engineers, until 4th March. Thereafter it’s $19.99. There’s about 28 hours left on that deal.
Bear in mind that it is Early Access.
Takealot has this current deal, if you’re looking for a basic HOTAS type thing (Note I have no idea if this thing is even worth looking at)